Saturday 16 July 2016

Day 13 Graduation Dinner

Today, we had our last lessons in Christ Church. In the morning, we continued our engineering challenges, all of the 5 groups presented their projects. The title of group D2 was 'Clinical Medical Trials', group D1 was 'GI Tech', group C 'Adaptive Virtual Reality System', group B 'Elevation Transportation System', and group A 'Smart Oasis 2.0'. We talked about how the project would be implemented, how many workers would be needed, how many years etc.. We voted for the best project and group D1 won.

After lunch, we had essay writing. We formulated a plan on 'the success of David Cameron as the Prime Minister'. After that, we changed into our uniform and received our certificates. Afterwards, we enjoyed some elderflower presse in the dean's garden, where Lewis Carroll was inspired to write the world famous 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'.. Then, we had a 4 course dinner in the dining hall which lasted for 2 hours. We took many photos with our teachers and friends and all of us had a wonderful time.

Friday 15 July 2016

Day 12 Debate

In the morning, we continued with our engineering challenge. Ideas from different groups were presented by the professor, and we continued with our project. We worked on the 5 steps, initiating, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing. We defined different phases of the project, and set a budget and deadline for each task. Through this challenge, we had a greater understanding of what was a SMART project - specific, measurable, achievable, and time bound.

In the afternoon, we learnt some debating skills. We watched some clips from the Oxford Union, the world's most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. The debaters' speeches were really inspiring, and all of us enjoyed their speeches. Afterwards, we had our own debate. We were divided into 2 groups of 20, where each group chose 3 speakers to debate with the motion: this house believes that university education should be free of charge to students. The whole team worked hard and a lot of support was given to the debaters. We only had an hour to prepare a less than 10 minute speech - it was extremely challenging but team spirit increased throughout the process. Team proposition won and it was a good experience for all of us.

Before dinner, all of us were given the choice to a) do some shopping, or b) go jogging/take a walk around Christ Church Meadows. At night, we stayed up late to make thank you cards for the teachers and ate fruits together. All in all, it was yet another amazing day and we will surely treasure the last 2 days in Oxford.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Day 11 Ashmolean Museum

Today we had programme managing lessons together. After lunch, we went to the Ashmolean Museum where we saw amazing sculptures, gorgeous paintings and some string instruments.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Day 10 Green Chemistry!

We teachers are having fun too!

After more than a week here in the beautiful Church Church at Oxford University and various trips to the Cotswolds, Blenheim Palace and London we are feeling truly inspired. Here are some of the wonderful moments we have had - from country villages to silly selfies on the London Eye, our time time has been rich and colourful.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Day 9 Challenges!

Today we discussed about medical ethicality. Some of us agreed that it was a criminal offence for a doctor to assist the suicide of a patient based on the 4 pillars of medical ethics - autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. Others thought that it was vital for a researcher to obtain consent from the family members of a patient that lacked mental capacity. In the afternoon, we learnt about project management. A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. There are 5 steps in carrying out a project, which are initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing.

In politics and international relations, we discussed about the countries that are currently still under colonial rule. Besides, the tutor distributed a number of terms for political science for us to define in groups, for example, 'confederalism' and 'fascism'. Then, we researched on the work of different world leaders and how they can be described with the previous terms, such as Hitler with 'dictatorship'and 'totalitarian'. After that, we did a group discussion on the hot topics of Hong Kong based on a news article from our assignment. We gave our opinions on whether Hong Kong should return to British colonial rule, linking with the concepts that we discussed before. In the afternoon lesson which was a Business challenge, Mr. Mittendorf created two cases for us to work in groups and find a solution to the problem. After each case, all of the groups gave a presentation describing the process of how they came to the solution. It was extremely fun and even more challenging under the pressure to finish the tasks on time. 

Monday 11 July 2016

Day 8 London

British Museum - we were disappointed that the Chinese exhibits were closed for renovation.

In the afternoon, we explored the busy streets of London. We went on the London Eye and had a spectacular view of the city. We saw the Palace of Westminster, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Tower BridgeTrafalgar Square etc.. It was like Causeway Bay - it was full of people and there were many interesting shops and artifacts. Then, some of us headed to the National Gallery and Covent Garden. At night, we dined in a Chinese restaurant - Orient London - it was one of our favourite meals!