Friday 8 July 2016

Day 5 A visit to the Natural HIstory Museum

For the science stream, we were taught about the functions of the lungs and the structure of the eye in the morning. It was extremely fascinating and we thoroughly enjoyed it. For the humanities stream, we learned about how money, credit and banks work. It was our last lesson with the tutor and we were very grateful for her dedication. 

After lunch, we separated into two groups. One of the groups went on a walk around Oxford to get some insight into the various colleges. The Gothic architectures contrasts subtly with the pastel houses, blending into the cultural atmosphere of Oxford. 

Then, we met up with the other group in front of the Natural History Museum. We were given free time to wander inside. The massive dinosaur skeletons and mineral samples broadened our mindsets. It was mind-blowing to imagine a time when the majestic creatures once roamed the Earth.

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