Tuesday 12 July 2016

Day 9 Challenges!

Today we discussed about medical ethicality. Some of us agreed that it was a criminal offence for a doctor to assist the suicide of a patient based on the 4 pillars of medical ethics - autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. Others thought that it was vital for a researcher to obtain consent from the family members of a patient that lacked mental capacity. In the afternoon, we learnt about project management. A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. There are 5 steps in carrying out a project, which are initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing.

In politics and international relations, we discussed about the countries that are currently still under colonial rule. Besides, the tutor distributed a number of terms for political science for us to define in groups, for example, 'confederalism' and 'fascism'. Then, we researched on the work of different world leaders and how they can be described with the previous terms, such as Hitler with 'dictatorship'and 'totalitarian'. After that, we did a group discussion on the hot topics of Hong Kong based on a news article from our assignment. We gave our opinions on whether Hong Kong should return to British colonial rule, linking with the concepts that we discussed before. In the afternoon lesson which was a Business challenge, Mr. Mittendorf created two cases for us to work in groups and find a solution to the problem. After each case, all of the groups gave a presentation describing the process of how they came to the solution. It was extremely fun and even more challenging under the pressure to finish the tasks on time. 

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